Welcome to the Basov Group at Columbia

Our research area is experimental condensed matter physics. In our program, we employ optical methods to investigate new physics of quantum materials. Recent instrumental advances in infrared nano-optics, some of which have been pioneered in our group, enable unprecedented access to the optical effects at the nano-scale deep below the diffraction limit of light. We exploit these instrumental innovations to explore new physical phenomena that are of technological relevance.

Dmitri Basov is a Professor of Physics in the Department of Physics at Columbia University. His research focuses on electronic phenomena in quantum materials that he investigates using a variety of nano-optical techniques developed in his laboratory.
Department of Physics
Columbia University
1110 Northwest Corner
New York, NY 10027
office (212) 853 1320
Latest News
Dr. Aaron Sternback receives Townes Fellowship for his outstanding thesis research in light matter interaction!
Dr. Aaron Sternbach receives the Townes Fellowship for his outstanding thesis research in light-matter interaction!
Townes was Chair of the Columbia Physics Department from 1952 to 1955. He received the 1964 Nobel Prize in Physics
Our work on Fizeau drag in graphene plasmons
Our work on Fizeau drag in graphene plasmons is published on Nature with a News and Views article. See Columbia News story. Plasmon polaritons can be dragged by current flow to break the time-reversal symmetry, a finding that could lead to more efficient ways of manipulating light at the nanoscale.
Research led by Jim Schuck’s group on twistronics uncovered controls of nonlinear optical phenomena
Research led by Jim Schuck’s group on twistronics uncovered controls of nonlinear optical phenomena. Click here to read more
An article by Alex McLeod et al. on “Multi-messenger Nanoimaging” is among top 12 Columbia News stories of 2020
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A team of Columbia physicists, chemists and engineers discovered programmable optical effects in a quantum material
More information can be found on the Columbia news site or on the research paper directly.
D.N. Basov named the Moore Foundation Investigator in Quantum Materials 2020-25
D.N. Basov named the Moore Foundation Investigator in Quantum Materials 2020-25